2013年12月24日 星期二

【讀紐時學英文】Space Telescope’s Planet Hunt May Go On╱太空望遠鏡繼續搜尋行星★訂報抽好書★

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2013/12/13 第1期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Space Telescope's Planet Hunt May Go On/太空望遠鏡繼續搜尋行星
Car Culture Claims a Place in Museums/汽車文化登上大雅之堂
Space Telescope's Planet Hunt May Go On/太空望遠鏡繼續搜尋行星
MOUNTAIN VIEW, California — The little spacecraft that could may still have some life left in it.


In the spring a critical wheel on NASA's Kepler spacecraft got stuck, leaving its telescope unable to point precisely enough to continue prospecting for Earthlike planets in a starry patch of the Milky Way.


But Kepler's managers say they have a plan that could keep it hunting for these exoplanets for three or four more years.


In the past four years , Kepler identified 3,500 possible exoplanets by seeing stars dim when planets crossed in front of them. It also enabled the first rough estimate of the abundance of habitable planets in the Milky Way: about one in five sunlike stars have potentially habitable Earth-size planets, meaning billions of chances for the existence of extraterrestrial life.


But the spacecraft was only beginning to zero in on planets with orbits like ours, Earth-size worlds that take a year to orbit suns similar to our own, candidates for Earth 2.0, in the vernacular.


The new approach would no longer train Kepler on only one set of stars. Instead, it would skip around the sky, monitoring the stars in one spot continuously for up to 80 days. It would not detect any planets with orbital periods more than a few weeks. But it would detect planets with habitable orbits around the smaller, dimmer stars known as red dwarfs.


The problem arose when the loss of a second reaction wheel — Kepler was launched in 2009 with four — left the spacecraft prone to rolling about its line of sight. The solution is a neat bit of rocket science. Tests have shown sunlight can be used to stabilize Kepler. The key is to keep it pointed in directions that leave its solar panels evenly illuminated. "When it's stable, it's really stable," said Charles Sobeck, deputy project manager of Kepler. As a result, Kepler's planet hunting will now be limited to fields of stars that lie along a circle known as the ecliptic — the apparent path traversed by the sun through the zodiac.


Part of the sun's path goes right across the center of the galaxy, in the constellation Sagittarius, and other parts, away from the Milky Way, cross outside galaxies, where Kepler could record the rise and fall of supernova explosions that have proved critical to understanding cosmic history. Other fields of opportunity include stormy regions strewn with clouds of gas and dust where new stars and presumably new planets are being born, so Kepler, if the plan goes through, will be able to study stars and planets in a variety of environments.


The idea is still being tested; a decision will come next spring. Regardless , the Kepler team has three more years to analyze the data already obtained.


Mr. Sobeck is hopeful for more. "Nobody wants to turn off a spacecraft in orbit," he said.


Car Culture Claims a Place in Museums/汽車文化登上大雅之堂
Given all the reports of a groundswell of disdain for car culture among young people, it may seem that the motor vehicle is entering its twilight.


But instead of being relegated to dark corners as curious relics, cars are being celebrated around the world. In recent years, new museums dedicated to the car have opened, others have spent millions on renovations , and institutions once limited to displays of fine art have discovered the popular appeal of metal, rubber and chrome.


The Museo Naziona le dell'Automobile in Turin, Italy, completed a four-year, $40 million expansion in 2011 that could well be the archetype for the modern automotive museum.


The museum's historical survey goes from a full-scale model of the "car" designed by Leonardo da Vinci in 1478 to the latest alternative fuel vehicles. Dioramas alternate with touch-screen displays, kiosks, an entire home interior made of auto components, an amusement park-type ride through an auto assembly line and more.


In Mulhouse, France, the Cité de l'Automobile, National Museum Collection Schlumpf was comprehensively reimagined in 2006 . More than 400 rare Bugattis and other exotic cars, collected by the textile industrialists Hans and Fritz Schlumpf, are displayed on polished floors or plinths with bold graphics behind them. There is also a restaurant and a small racetrack.


The trend for the display of vehicles in traditional fine art museums has to be considered a factor driving the change in approach. The highly successful "Art of the Motorcycle" exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum in New York in 1998, which featured more than 100 motorcycles in a display designed by Frank Gehry, served notice that art museums could create new ways to appreciate the motor vehicle. The Boston Museum of Fine Arts followed up with its 2005 show, "Speed, Style and Beauty: Cars of the Ralph Lauren Collection."


"The opportunity to view a vintage automobile for its engineering and sculptural beauty is an intriguing experience," said Peter Mullin, chairman of the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles. Car exhibitions at American fine art museums like the Frist Center for the Visual Arts in Nashville, Tennessee and the Phoenix Art Museum draw record crowds, he said.


But art museums did not influence the design of the new, imposing canal-side building, designed by Michael Graves, that the Netherlands' Louwman car museum has occupied in The Hague since 2010.


"We did not look at them in our planning, because they are based on who the artist was, not why he made the picture," said the owner, Evert Louwman. "That story — the love around why a car was made — is key to the message of a car museum."


Aaron Betsky, director of the Cincinnati Art Museum in Ohio, says it is natural to show cars as art. "Automobiles, like other objects in our daily lives, can be examples of how art can be used to transform your life, an outgrowth of the Arts and Crafts movement."


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