2011年2月24日 星期四

Google 快訊 - liver

網誌liver」有 3 個符合結果
Fatty liver may herald impending Type 2 diabetes | Machines Like Us
由 NLN 著作
In recent years, fatty liver has become more appreciated as a sign of obesity and resistance to insulin, a hormone that controls the body's glucose levels. This new study shows that fatty liver may be more than an indicator of obesity ...
Machines Like Us - Science at... - http://machineslikeus.com/frontpage
Redesign of US donor-liver network could boost transplants by ...
由 bjs 著作
PITTSBURGH -- A redesign of the nation's donor-liver distribution network developed by University of Pittsburgh researchers could result in several hundred more people each year receiving the transplants they need.
Science Blog - http://scienceblog.com/
Fatty liver disease predicts onset of type 2 diabetes
由 Kathleen Blanchard RN 著作
A study reveals patients with fatty liver appear to be five times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Obesity, high cholesterol levels and insulin...
Emaxhealth - http://www.emaxhealth.com/

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